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So, here I am, reporting live and direct from Rio de Janeiro. Done most of the touristy stuff so far, been up Sugarloaf at sunset which was beautiful, went up to see Jesus on a clear day which was beautiful, walked up and down Copacabana beach which was busy. Can’t say I’m that taken with the place. The setting is, to be fair, stunning. Mountains, sea, beaches etc. The town itself however is kind of smelly and dirty and pretty run down. Gonna wander around a bit more today clutching everything valuable safely to me, then heading off tomorrow.

Have loved Brasil so far. Apart from 2 days in Sao Paulo have spent pretty much the whole time by the sea which has been fantastic. Eaten lots of seafood, been out on boats, lots of beaches, been snorkelling, seen turtles, parrots, eagles, vultures, lizards and snakes. Photos to be added later…