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Well, after the excitement of not getting pissed on at the Boca game things have calmed down a bit which I’m not complaining about. Every day I’ve managed to get some jobs done, made a appointment to see a doctor about getting my jabs done, unlocked my Swiss phone so I can have an Argentinian number, been to see an agency about renting a flat for a month or so. I like it in the hostel but as I’m planning on spending a bit of time here, some privacy would be nice, plus it would give me the chance to put some things in a bag (rather than lugging Kevin the Dead Teenager around on my back) and head off for a couple of days to some of places within easy enough reach of BsAs, Rosario, Cordoba, Montevideo, Corrientes etc.

Hopefully should be seeing a couple tomorrow, if the very nice man called Max calls me back on my new Argentinian number. Anyway, here’s a picture of the hostel’s garden by night. There’s also a very nice dog called Mora who is very friendly, I take her for walks.