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Day One

It's hot here. Ha, now you're all jealous aren't you? And I had a big steak too for lunch. So there. What a great city Buenos Aires is. Really, it is. It has it all - bars, funky shops, chaotic streets, crazy taxi drivers. In short it is alive. Which makes a huge...


God, I hate packing. I really do. Well, the plane leaves in 15 hours and the packing is sort of nearly done. Which means I think there are just 3 more things to put in, but of course I'll still be going at midnight. Last couple of days have been a bit stressful, but...

Admin Update

Cos I know you all find this very interesting, after weeks of stressing I finally made it to the Office de la Population to tell them I'm leaving. I was imaging all sorts of Kafkaesque horrors, but in true Swiss style they just made me queue twice, took 25francs off...

Free man

Well, this is it - where it's all gonna happen, unless you're me of course. Finished at the BNP (that's a bank by the way rather than the right-wing political party) yesterday and ain't going back! Got a few days to finish off all the lovely Geneva admin stuff, then...