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Getting to Bolivia

It's hard to believe that I was only in Bolivia 10 days, but in that time I certainly managed to squeeze a lot in. The plan was to meet up with some of the people I'd shared the house with in Buenos Aires in Sucre, the constitutional capital of Bolivia. They had left...

High & Cold

Ok, so I haven't given you a Brasil part 2 yet, but it's on the way, honest. So, if you'll allow that little omission I can continue with my dispatches from my current location in Bolivia. Have had a very busy week here and am having a day off from all the madness in...

Escaping Autumn

As autumn was arriving in Argentina, I decided to head north and get me some sunshine, and where better to hit the beaches than Brazil? Looking at a map, I saw that the little town of Punta del Diablo in Uruguay where I'd been in December was only 60km from the...

Her Name Was Lola

So, here I am, reporting live and direct from Rio de Janeiro. Done most of the touristy stuff so far, been up Sugarloaf at sunset which was beautiful, went up to see Jesus on a clear day which was beautiful, walked up and down Copacabana beach which was busy. Can't...

Size Matters

Ok, so I'm a geography nerd. That's not news to anyone. I've spent more time on buses in Brasil so far than actually in Brasil if you see what I mean and the only reading material I have is my Lonely Planet Brazil. So there I was flicking through the pages yesterday...

So Far…

Bit disappointed in Brasil so far. I've been here 2 days and haven't: seen a half-naked indian kill an anaconda with a blowpipe been to a beach drunk a caiphirinha out of a coconut shell been robbed at gunpoint

Rollin’ Down the 40

The times in this might seem a bit weird, I wrote all this at different times, some of it on the bus, some it afterwards so it's a bit jumbled, so you'll have to bear with me... After a couple of weeks travelling round the Lake District, I decided it was time to head...

The Benvenue

Unrelated to my travels but it's my blog etc etc. Got this mail from my Dad this morning, one of many tales of derring-do in the family: My Great Grandad James Jago (born in Ireland in the 1840s and a Sandgate coastguard) was in the Hythe boat which sank during the...

Lost & Found

Things I've lost here iPod (sniff) Oakley ski hat El Chalten fleecy hat (bought to replace above item) all sense of time and what day it is 3 shower gels a right glove a shoe Things I've found here 300 pesos in my jeans (was mine but I'd forgotten about it) the right...

How Low Can You Go?

I'd been umming and ahhing about going to Ushuaia. Having spoken to people who'd been there, the impression I'd got was that pretty much the only reason to go there was to say you'd been there. It makes a pretty big deal of being the Southernmost City in the World...

Tired & Exhausted

Regular readers of this blog, both of you, know that there are some beautiful cities in Argentina. Some I've been to (Bariloche, Buenos Aires, Salta) and some I'm yet to visit (Mendoza, Cordoba, Rosario). I must let you into a secret however, there are also some right...