by Jonathan Evans | May 15, 2010 | Argentina, Food, Photos, PotD, South America
Bife de Lomo, La Brigada, Buenos Aires, 26th June 2009. Bon Apetit as they don’t say here!
by Jonathan Evans | Apr 17, 2010 | Argentina, Brasil, Food, General Travel, Peru, South America
One of the joys of travelling in a country where they don’t speak your language is that occasionally you’ll come across a name that has one meaning for the locals and another entirely for you. And you can take a picture and giggle at the crazy foreign...
by Jonathan Evans | Nov 19, 2009 | Argentina, Food, South America
Argentina is proud of its European heritage – it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that they, on the whole, consider themselves more European than anywhere else in South America, and to be fair they probably are. Except in the North there is very little...
by Jonathan Evans | Oct 29, 2009 | Argentina, Food, South America
Now, I like me a bit of food, and do seem to eat rather a lot and rather well here in Buenos Aires so I’ve decided to document some of the food that is considered typical here. In order to do this I will have to go out and buy the food, remember to take a...