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Ruta 40 – Today’s Photo

For those of you paying attention, you will remember that I have already written about Ruta 40 from my Patagonia trip. On that occasion I travelled on it southwards from Bariloche to El Chalten, a distance of around 1,500km. It wasn’t however, my first time on...

Salt Cathedral

People from Medellin say that the best part of Bogota is the road to Medellin. Whilst I wouldn’t go that far, Bogota definitely has its charms, I do sort of know what they mean. It is not a pretty city and the overwhelming feeling is one of chaos and crowding,...
More Tango

More Tango

I’m not actually a very big fan of tango. There, I’ve said it. It’s very impressive to see, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to watch a show, and my entire time here I have never actually paid to see anybody dance it. Having said that, I have...

Tango – Today’s Photo

OK, so two photos today and not of anyone actually tangoing either but two iconic tango places in Buenos Aires. Carlos Gardel is to Tango what Maradona is to Football. Except more so. And he’s dead. The world’s greatest ever Tango singer, Gardel was killed...

Cotopaxi Timelapse

Cotopaxi is an active volcano close to Quito, Ecuador. The summits of the volcanos in central Ecuador are the furthest points from the earth’s centre due to the bulging of the earth at the equator. This is a timelapse video taken from Nasa’s APOD site...

Matias – Today’s Photo

This is Matias. He’s a teddy bear. I sat next to him (and his owner Jenny) on a 10 hour bus ride in Bolivia from Sucre to Uyuni. When I first got on, he was actually sitting in my seat but he’s a very well brought up bear so he moved. When Jenny’s...