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Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Today is a special day in Argentina – you know it’s a special day because there is a street and a square in Buenos Aires named after today. Now the street (25 de Mayo) is a kind of crappy-nothing-special street, but the square is worth paying attention to....

Jewel in the Crown – Cartagena

If Tayrona is the natural jewel in Colombia’s Caribbean Crown, then Cartagena de Indias is without doubt the City highlight. A major port during Spanish Colonial times, the walled city and fortress were named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984 and the tourists...

Who Invented What?

There’s a nice article over on Going Local Travel about how the Argentinians are claiming that they invented the internet (or the word at least). Obviously this is a little bit of fun (I hope so) but it does raise the question of how we define which country...

Quiz – How will you do?

Last year I volunteered for 3 months for a youth club in Buenos Aires, helping out with English lessons, homework and all sorts of stuff. In November I organised (and wrote) a quiz [singlepic id=42 w=160 h=120 float=left]to help raise some funds, and last week the...