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Who Invented What?

There’s a nice article over on Going Local Travel about how the Argentinians are claiming that they invented the internet (or the word at least). Obviously this is a little bit of fun (I hope so) but it does raise the question of how we define which country...

Quiz – How will you do?

Last year I volunteered for 3 months for a youth club in Buenos Aires, helping out with English lessons, homework and all sorts of stuff. In November I organised (and wrote) a quiz [singlepic id=42 w=160 h=120 float=left]to help raise some funds, and last week the...

On the Buses

If there’s one way of impressing somebody who has never been to South America before, it’s by saying, “Oh I’m going to such and such tomorrow, it’s a 20 hour bus ride”. To someone who has been here before then all you’ll get...

The Only Way Is Up

This post was originally published in March 2009 Confused? During one of my moments of meditation sitting staring at the cruise ship (seriously, just how do those things float?) I decided that I was going to head back to Buenos Aires for a variety of reasons. Send me...