by Jonathan Evans | Oct 20, 2009 | Argentina, Brasil, General Travel, Roadtrip, South America, US Trip
The Guardian has published its Readers Travel Awards 2009 – of the 5 winners in the Best Overseas Travel Destination: 1. Iguazu Falls 2. Macchu Pichu 3. Ankgor Temples 4. Grand Canyon 5. Great Barrier Reef I’ve been to 3 of ’em in the last year. My...
by Jonathan Evans | Sep 25, 2009 | Alaska, Argentina, General Travel, Peru, South America, US Trip
Was in a bookshop today and saw one of those 1000 X to Y Before You Die books. You know the ones, Places to See, Wines to Drink, Products to Boycott, Hotels to Feel Smug In, that sort of thing. So seeing as I’ve done some pretty cool things in the past few...
by Jonathan Evans | Jan 23, 2009 | Argentina, General Travel, South America
I’ve been here over 2 months now, so what do I make of it all? I chose to come to Argentina based on a 2 week holiday I spent here in 2007. Buenos Aires felt then, as it still does, like a place I could spend some time. It’s a big, noisy, smelly place...