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Tango – Today’s Photo

OK, so two photos today and not of anyone actually tangoing either but two iconic tango places in Buenos Aires. Carlos Gardel is to Tango what Maradona is to Football. Except more so. And he's dead. The world's greatest ever Tango singer, Gardel was killed in a plane...

Matias – Today’s Photo

This is Matias. He's a teddy bear. I sat next to him (and his owner Jenny) on a 10 hour bus ride in Bolivia from Sucre to Uyuni. When I first got on, he was actually sitting in my seat but he's a very well brought up bear so he moved. When Jenny's Dad died her Mum...

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Today is a special day in Argentina - you know it's a special day because there is a street and a square in Buenos Aires named after today. Now the street (25 de Mayo) is a kind of crappy-nothing-special street, but the square is worth paying attention to. La Plaza de...

Jewel in the Crown – Cartagena

If Tayrona is the natural jewel in Colombia's Caribbean Crown, then Cartagena de Indias is without doubt the City highlight. A major port during Spanish Colonial times, the walled city and fortress were named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984 and the tourists have...

The Grand Canyon

So this was supposed to be the big one. After leaving Monument Valley I'd driven along virtually deserted country roads to Page, Arizona where I spent the night, and in the morning headed off to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, about 2 hours away. I stopped on the...

Who Invented What?

There's a nice article over on Going Local Travel about how the Argentinians are claiming that they invented the internet (or the word at least). Obviously this is a little bit of fun (I hope so) but it does raise the question of how we define which country invented...

Quiz – How will you do?

Last year I volunteered for 3 months for a youth club in Buenos Aires, helping out with English lessons, homework and all sorts of stuff. In November I organised (and wrote) a quiz [singlepic id=42 w=160 h=120 float=left]to help raise some funds, and last week the...